Objective: Achieve Fiscal Sustainability

The City is on a path toward achieving fiscal sustainability. To show our city's growth, we'll have to show that we can manage spending and grow revenue. The City projected an $11 million budget deficit for the 2019 Fiscal Year (July 2018-June 2019). The key results for Achieving Fiscal Sustainability will both allow for and be a signal of a growing city.

Key Result: Reduce the general fund budget variance from 11% to 5%

Overall budget variance through the end of July: 1% Variance

Fire Bureaus

Fire Air Crash Rescue
Amount Spent: $2,270,252
Amount Allotted: $2,271,928

-0.1% Variance

Fire Main Civilian
Amount Spent: $944,177
Amount Allotted: $972,534

-2.9% Variance

Fire Main Sworn
Amount Spent: $33,243,456
Amount Allotted: $32,852,272

1.2% Variance